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You are planning tobuy a wine property ? Whatever the objectives, there are different factors to consider. In reality, only a expert in wine transactions has the necessary qualifications to to insure you in the purchase of a vineyard. Here are the steps to follow for a proper acquisition.

The study of the domanial framework

It is advisable, before any purchase, toexamine the geographical location of the propertythe economic situation of the region. The adequacy of these elements with the envisaged acquisition guarantees an efficient return on your investment. As a specialist in wine transactions, BLUE SIDE studies the desired domain, its location, and verifies if it corresponds to your needs.

Detailed analysis of the winegrowing structure

L'The purchase of a vineyard requires first of all the examination of the terroir, the vineyard and the grape varieties. A detailed study of the equipment, technology, agricultural and wine-making materials used is generally carried out. This inventory aims at verifying their condition, even if it means providing for their renewal if necessary. We also review cellars and wineries.

A presentation of the farm to be acquired and its composition

The process of buying a vineyard requires a good initial organization. You must have a clear idea of the personnel in place, the production and marketing techniques of the wines, as well as the yield statistics. The buildings used for wine making should be examined as well as the residential buildings.

Based on our 10 years of experience, we present you with a complete overview of the business to be sold.

Improvement and organization of the acquired property

The targeted area must correspond to your project. Modifications or renovations can therefore be made. Our technical approach takes into account the specificity of your needs. Throughout the Greater South region, BLUE SIDE offers a wide range of wineries adapted to all projects.

Personalized support in administrative and technical procedures

In order to take possession of your wine estate, there are many steps to be taken with the supervisory authorities. These steps are crucial for the security of the transaction. BLUE SIDE has a perfect command of these formalities and will assist you in simplifying them.

The use of experts to buy a wine property

For protection strengthened of your acquisitionthe use of legal, tax and notary advice is to be expected. Their role is to ensure the conformity of the transaction, the regularity of the tax situation, the property titles, the guarantees attached to the operation.

In addition, after the purchase, we offer assistance for the realization of the project that has been studied.

Contact us now for the qualitative and confidential treatment of your project.


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" News-Press " Letter Blue Side - January 2024 Wine news Contents: Blue SideOur business and our specificities Investment opportunitiesInvestment opportunitiesBaroque, Jules, SolitaireOff-Market Iconic projects,


Blue Side: Your Partner of Excellence for the Sale of Wine Estates Expertise in the sale of wine estates With over 12 years' experience in the sale of wine estates, Blue Side is your partner of excellence for the sale of wine estates.

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